Friday, 6 February 2015

The problem is with his thoughts, looks, assumptions!!!

Why is rape so rampant?

Did you tell your daughter to be careful with the way she acts and the way she dresses? Or something like “you need to be safe when you dress that way, some people read it as an invitation”?


But did you tell your son that “No matter how a woman dresses or acts, it is not an invitation to cat call, taunt, harass or assault her?”


Instead of teaching your daughter not to get raped, teach your son not to rape. Yes girls should be cautious, but will caution on a girl’s end prevent this crime? No, it would require society to step up and realize that it should be the rapists who should be treated as outcasts and rape is an indefensible offence.

Nobody seems to understand that rape is not caused by a woman; it is caused by a man who can’t keep it in, can’t rein in his aggressiveness or whatever perverse thought in his mind!!! Start teaching men how to look at a woman, respect a woman!!! The problem is with his thoughts, looks, assumptions!!!

Suppose you are roaming somewhere late night in costly shoes, jeans, shirt and jacket you have an I-phone and wallet full money and then suddenly someone robs you, beats you, so now who is responsible for that? You or the robber? Period.

There are evil and sexually perverted monsters in the society. Girls need to be careful and constant vigil. They shouldn’t walk in dark alleys all on their own. But if a girl gets molested, even if she was careful, it’s never her fault, it’s always the molesters fault. A rapist will find any excuse to justify his sins and we don’t need any sort of approval.

A women will look as beautiful in a skirt as she does in a saree. It’s your mentality that makes a difference. I’ll not decide what my daughter will wear when she comes of deciding age. I’ll advice her, inculcate values and morals in her which will help her decide. Its not “aping the west” it is called ‘she’s got her own life to live and enjoy on her own terms.

Go ahead and justify the photosensitive Indian men fed on the idea that if they see flesh they’re supposed to rape. If a man finds a woman so arousing why doesn’t he indulge in self-entertainment? Leave the woman out of your fantasies. And as for such women, as bad as a criminal accused of promoting rapes, it’s not about lack of clothes which cause rapes in India, its lack of consequences.

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